Kevin Hughey Art Studio
Painter & Wood Sculpture Artist
About The Artist

Hello! and thank you for dropping by the Studio. I am an award winning decorative painter who hopes to have my work become a part of your home or business decor.
I've always made things. I've always thought it was important to make things. It's one of the ways I enter into and participate in the world. Relationships are forged, moments are experienced, art is made.
Photography, the dark room in particular, was my first date with my sweetheart. Our second was at a gig...I'm also a drummer and percussionist and have built drums with fellow musicians in the backyard. I've done woodworking with my Dad, thrown pottery in the greenhouse, built sculptures with classmates, made masks with students, learned to bake bread from a weaver. Make things.
I've had the good fortune to see some great art around the world, especially paintings. Inspired by art history and encouraged by friends and family, I went back to painting a few years ago.
I am a decorative painter, flower blooms in particular. So many varieties, shapes and colors. I wanted to study flowers and hone my chops, then, create a Series. I think in a Series, the blooms provide a special impact in a room, whether a personal space like one's living room or a public lobby or office space. It was also fun to create a series of flower blooms in wood. Then I moved on to groups of flowers, a more complex task.
I've also created a variety of single and series-focused abstracts, layers of color and shape fun!
I am honored to have received the SALI XII National Abstract GPAC Choice Award, the SALI XIV National Abstract Merit Award, and to have had two wood flower creations shown multiple times on CBS Sunday Morning.
Though I may have a bit of angst while creating, my work is always intended to offer a bit of joy, an interesting shape, or a friendly pop of color to the viewer.
I earned a B. S. in Art Education at Ball State University. I used my teaching skills, when living in Hawaii, at Nanaikapono Elementary where I taught art to 4th, 5th, and 6th graders in the only classroom on the beach! I've continued to study art at Herron School of Art, The Art Center, Nickel Plate Arts, and with fellow artists where we can share tips, techniques, and critiques.
By trade, I am happily retired as the former sole proprietor of Affordable Custom Picture Framing Studio.
Feel free to email me with a comment, to purchase a piece or inquire about an art event or show. Until then with best regards, Kevin